jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

Mensaje de agradecimiento

Dear G8 Eco-Child Summit Organization, Mr. Ohmori, Executive Committee of Youth Summit for Environment in Kobe, Japan Education and Resource Network (JEARN), Intermediate Corporation G8 environment child summit, British Council, Environmental Business Women, Ministry of Education, Ministry of the Environment, Hyogo Prefecture, Kobe City, Hyogo International Association, Globe Japan, Yoko, Kiyomi, Yoshiko, Atsuko and all the kind Japanese people,

We, the Mexican Delegation would like to extend all of you our most sincerely and wholeheartedly thanks, first for the invitation to attend the Summit, we surely appreciate the chance giving to the delegates to discuss, learn, and share their ideas, and most important for taking care of all the expenses. The girls had the opportunity to meet many people from all over the world and see what they are they thoughts about the environment, and now in their own town try to spread everything they have learned. Their opinions are always helpful and interesting. We just wanted to remind you what a great time we have during all the events during the summit, from the Welcome Party, the Opening Ceremony, the Gala Party, the Group discussions and the Closing Ceremony, aside from the delicious meals and the so warmly Japanese hospitality. Words cannot convey our gratitude; all of you were so thoughtful in all moments. We so appreciate everything you made for us. Again, thank for allowing us the privilege of learning and sharing with everybody.

On behalf of the Mexican delegates many thanks. Arigato Gozaimasu

Fernanda Jiménez Cabello
Greta Acosta Alemán
Celia Arredondo Soberón

Mensaje al G8

… La raza humana es la principal responsable de los terribles problemas ambientales de todo el mundo.
Nosotros nos podemos encargar para salvar la tierra si queremos cooperar.

… Será demasiado tarde, y esto será una terrible situación.
Nos enfrentaremos a la guerra por la tierra, la hambruna y un aumento de los desastres naturales. La tierra podrá adaptarse, pero nosotros tal vez no. Sin embargo, si trabajamos juntos, podemos cambiarlo.

…(“Waste not, want not”) “No desperdicies, lo que es útil para otros” basada en 7R's (reducir, reutilizar, reciclar, investigar, refutar, regenerar, repensar).
… Restaurar el ecosistema, por ejemplo, árboles y ríos.
… Lo que es más importante, no se olviden de amar nuestra tierra.

… Queremos un sistema de los adultos a donar no sólo dinero, sino alimentos, ropa y mano de obra. No tenemos suficiente tecnología. Queremos que los adultos produzcan más mercancías ecológicas.

… ¿Podrían asumir la responsabilidad de lo que han hecho?

… Necesitamos su ayuda para preservar el medio ambiente.
Por lo tanto les pedimos que ayuden a restaurar el equilibrio del ecosistema mundial, mediante la introducción de un desarrollo eficaz eco-amigable (no contaminante).
Queremos que ustedes promuevan un entorno seguro mediante la aplicación de una ley internacional que diga que las escuelas tienen que enseñar y tomar medidas sobre las cuestiones del medio ambiente.

Discurso de Apertura

Su Alteza Imperial la Princesa Takamado
Cumbre de la Juventud para el Medio Ambiente en Kobe
Centro de Arte de Kobe

Me gustaría dar una cálida bienvenida a todos los delegados, especialmente aquellos de ustedes que nos hemos reunido aquí procedentes de todo el mundo.
Me gustaría empezar por compartir con ustedes algunas reflexiones sobre el tema de la biodiversidad y la raza humana. Este planeta es el hogar de un sinnúmero de formas de vida, todos desempeñan un papel increíble en el ecosistema que sustenta el medio ambiente. Cada una de estas formas de vida ha ido adaptando su cuerpo a fin de vivir en un nicho biológico y desempeñar ese papel. Cuanto más se ha adaptado a un entorno particular, lo más susceptible es a cualquier cambio del medio ambiente. Hay muchas especies en peligro de extinción en el mundo. Si cada forma de vida tiene un papel que desempeñar, entonces no importa que tan pequeña sea una criatura, su extinción de la tierra significa algún cambio en nuestro medio ambiente. La extinción es finita. Cuanta más alta es la posición de la especie en la cadena alimentaria, mayor será el impacto de esta extinción en el medio ambiente.
La especie humana es la especie dominante sobre la Tierra. En lugar de adaptar su cuerpo, el homo sapiens desarrolló el cerebro y descubrió el fuego, fabricó herramientas, estableció métodos de transporte eficientes y se propagó por todo el mundo. El mundo entero es nuestro hábitat, y por lo tanto, una amenaza importante para todas las otras especies para las cuales el nicho biológico es pequeño. Como la especie dominante en el mundo, tenemos la responsabilidad de mantener el equilibrio y la armonía del ecosistema de la Tierra. No debemos olvidar nunca que una vez que ha sido destruido, será destruido para siempre.

En 1992, la primera Cumbre para la Tierra fue celebrada en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, y el término desarrollo sustentable (uso eficaz) fue transmitido en repetidas ocasiones en todo el mundo. Todos sabemos que el desarrollo, desde entonces, desde luego, no ha sido eficaz! La próxima Cumbre de la Tierra fue en 2002, esta vez en Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica. Hace 6 años. En estas reuniones se hizo elevar mucho la conciencia, pero la mayor y más alarmante razón por la que se ha convertido el medio ambiente en una cuestión importante para todos nosotros, es que ahora estamos viendo y sintiendo todos los efectos del cambio climático de una forma u otra, algunos de nosotros a través de experimentar desastres naturales, pero los que tenemos más suerte, al ver esos informes en la televisión.
El papel desempeñado por los estados, organizaciones internacionales, organizaciones no gubernamentales, industrias e instituciones de investigación es, por supuesto, importante. Sin embargo, cada organización se compone de las personas. Una organización no es una entidad capaz de actuar por cuenta propia. Es imprescindible que cada individuo, y eso incluye a padres, maestros, jóvenes y niños, lo tomen como suyo el "hacer algo". Es preciso que no sólo siga siendo un tema, o un problema o algo en la agenda del día. Depende de todos nosotros, ustedes y yo, a que adoptemos medidas prácticas.

En aras de su mundo futuro, hagan uso de la palabra, alto y claro, y esperemos que los adultos tengan el sentido común para tomarlo en cuenta y escuchar.

Les deseo a todos una conferencia con éxito.

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

Una historia paralela

El día 27 de mayo recibimos esta agradables noticia:


Muchas felicidades, de corazon espero que hayan disfrutado y aprovechado al maximo el viaje a Japon.

Les quiero compartir el logro obtenido en la olimpiada nacional de atletismo, el cual fue primer lugar (medalla de oro) en salto de altura y estableciendo record nacional de la especialidad (en mi categoria).

Les anexo algunas fotografias, las cuales tambien pueden ser vistas en la pagina de internet de la CONADE

Antonio González

Noticia de la Conade del 26 de mayo de 2008

EL SALTADOR de altura, José Antonio González se llevó la medalla de oro y de paso impuso récord del evento con 1.90 metros, en la tercera jornada del atletismo de la Olimpiada Nacional 2008

viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

27 de mayo - la historia continua...

Dear all my friends,

I'm so happy that I could have shared this wonderful time with all of you. I thank each and every one of you for bringing such brilliant and highly capable students.

I also glad to inform you the birth of five networks.
I'd like to ask the following persons to take care of each network.
I believe the effective and workable use of these network could lead to the next youth summit.

1. Network of the iEARN teachers who led the students.
I'd like to ask Mr. Boust Veronique from France to be in charge of this network.

2. Network of the students who participated this summit.
I hope Mohammad Abrar Anwar from Bangladesh will be in charge of this network.
I'd like to ask Ms.Tanzina Chowdory to support him.

3. Network of the parents of students
I don't know who will be in charge.
If someone knows her name, please let me know.
She will get on a mail to Mr. Boust Veronique and ask to share our network.

4. Network of Republic of Youth for the Future Earth.
I'm going to ask Ms. Yuuna Hoshiyama who is one of Japanese climate
champions from British Council and the first president of this country to be in charge of this network.

5. Newwork of climate champions from British-Council
I'll ask Ms. Mika Karashima, who is Science Project Manager of B.C, to choose a student of them to be in charge.

Shall we talk about what we, teachers, can do and should do to put these networks in practical use?
What do you think how the students can use the digital camera that they've got effectively in their learning?

iEARN Japan is planning to hold a debrief session of this youth summit on the 5th of July.
We'll ask some of you to join TV conference at the time.

I deeply appreciate your kind support.

Yoshiko Fukui

23 de mayo

Mil disculpas por no mandarles toda la informacion del dia de hoy. Las muchachas y yo estamos
cansadísimas. Regresamos al hotel a las 10 de la noche, pero estamos despiertas desde las 6 de la mañana, y no regresamos hasta hace un rato. Los japoneses son workaholic, realmente venimos a trabajar. Principalmente las niñas.

Les adelanto algo de lo que se dice por aqui: If you want to success sleep 4 hours, if you want
to fail sleep 5. Eso es lo que les inculcan a los jóvenes en high school.
Le envío una adelantadita de fotos
Buenas noches

22 de mayo

7:00am ....Desayuno
8:25am ....Reunion en el lobby
8:30am ....Salida a pie al Kobe Art Center
9:00-11:30 ....Trabajo en grupo para finalizar el mensaje que se va a dar.
11:30-12:15 ....grupos b y c comida (los niños estan divididos en 4 grupos)
.... grupos a y d Art mile drawing (mural colectivo)
12:15- 13:00 ....grupos a y d comida
....grupos b y c Art mile drawing (mural colectivo)
13:00-15:30 .... Reunión Plenaria
...13:00-14:00 Presentación de los Campeones Ambientales(Climate Champions) ya los conocimos a los 3 jóvenes de México
...14:10-14:40..Work shop.."Utilizing the Air Saves the Earth!"
...14:50-15:30...Presentación del Mensaje de Grupo
15:50-17:30...Sesion Plenaria para dsr el ECO mensaje desde Kobe
17:30-18:15...Cambiarse de ropa para la cena de Gala (dónde cree usted?...en una sala del centro de convenciones, para no perder tiempo)
18:15 ....Salida a la Fiesta de Gala en autobus
19:00-20:45...Fiesta de Gala...
21:00.... Salida al Hotel
21:20... Llegada al Hotel y últimas instrucciones.
22:00....Hora de dormir

Todo esto por supuesto con reloj en mano, ni un minuto más ni un minuto menos.
Como ve asi han sido los dos días anteriores.
Asi que dudo poder enviar resultados hasta el día siguiente
Muy buenos días


22 de mayo

Desde la hora que envié el correo en la mañana y hasta este momento nos vamos
desocupando de todas las actividades de hoy, Aquí son las 8:40 pm y las tres estamos exhaustas,
yo de ir detràs de ellas y ellas de convivir en todas las actividades.

Empezamos con el pie derecho, mañana en la ceremonia de inauguración sortearon quien iba a decir la declaratoria de inicio de los trabajos junto con dos jóvenes japonesas, y que cree? Greta saliò elegida entre los 21 paises.
Va a decir lo siguiente:


Conocimos a los tres campeones ambientales de Mèxico, elegidos por el British Council, nos presentamos con ellos, y con su acompañante. Por cierto venian acompañados de un reportero del Reforma que va a cubrir el evento de los Campeones Ambientales y no tenian idea que asistiria alguien de Mexico al Encuentro, le interesó mucho, mañana estarán en la inauguración.

La fiesta de bienvenida estuvo muy bonita y efectivamrnte asistió una princesa, pero obviamente no nos dejaron tomar fotos.
Los dejo y mañana continuaré enviando lo que se haya hecho.

Saludos Celia

20 de mayo, ya en KOBE

Informe de las actividades de hoy, ya descansamos, desayunamos y estamos listas para empezar el día.

11:40.... nos reunimos en el Lobby para ir todos juntos a conocer el lugar donde se llevará a cabo el Summit.
en el Kobe Art Center.
12:00... lunch
13:00.... Colocaremos todo lo de la sesión del poster y el proyecto.
14:00....Ensayo de la presentación.
15:00....Ensayo para la Ceremonia de Apertura mañana.
16:00....Sesión informativa en el hotel. Conocer-an a sus compañeros de grupo. Estaran divididos en 4 grupos
Fernanda y Greta estarán separadas. Conoceremos a los otros miembros del staff
17:45...Welcome Party!!!

Fernanda estará en el grupo A y Greta grupo D. para las sesiones de discusión. Aqui todo gira alrededor de los
muchachos y nosotros como el gafete lo dice, somos Chaperones. Las muchachas estan emocionadas pues en
la fiesta de bienvenida estará presente un miembro de la familia real, la Princesa Takamado.

Durante el desayuno todo mundo muy amable acercándose a presentarse y demás. Ahorita acabo de ver
el fruto del trabajo de estos casi tres meses en foro, todo mundo ya me conocía por las discuciones del foro, es gratificante ver que si escucharon lo que se dijo , ahora mas que nunca creo que ese trabajo preliminar
es muy importante, ya entiendo la urgencia de Núria para que yo estuviera inscrita en dicho foro, ¡¡Gracias Nuria!!!
Bueno, mientras pueda y haya tiempo trataré de mantenerlos informados.

Desde el otro lado del mundo les enviamos un abrazo.


16 de mayo - Se acerca el viaje

Dear friends,

It is nest week, we are together in Kobe !

All of Summit Office staff, Kiyomi, Committee members, and JEARN members are waiting for your arrival on May 20th.

Their faces will turn into a big smile at the moment they meet you, particularly after their hard works to prepare for the summit.

Mr. Toshio Ohmori at this Summit Office, is the person whose effort makes this Summit real financially, and I think he is the most person who is waiting for your arrival.

Please, please arrive in Japan in your good condition, and do not forget your necessary items. Kiyomi is asking you again to bring [DATE] for your speech for sure!!

I would say....tickets, passport (visa), insurance, some money, and your smile.

I will meet you at Kansai International Airport on May 20th with Summit Office staff.
There will be a sign board to welcome you at the arrival gate.
Any trouble, call my moble phone at : 080-5322-2750

We will take you to the taxi which takes you to the hotel.

At the hotel, Ms Fukui is waiting for you with some of other Office staff.

And you rest........

See you very soon @>----

Love, Yoko

15 de mayo - mensaje al ministro


We live in a border city next to the United States of America, so many people come looking for “the American dream” and some of them do make it across the river into the United States but the larger number stays here.

Our town has experience an explosive grown, in twenty years we have four times more people and so many new problems to resolve, like drainage, streets, water, schools, medical services etc.

We have new suburbs without any of those services yet. We are focusing in one of those problems: garbage and how it affects the environment.

The authorities of our city, locking for solutions, built a garbage collector fifteen miles outside of the city, where garbage is treated in a scientific way.

The Educative Technology State Center, has improve an event named: “Use of Technology in Basic Level Education. In this event all schools participate with investigations about our environment.

Our school teacher’s make that we, the students, work on collaborative projects, so we can reach better knowledge of this issue, but we are very sad because most of the people seem to forget that is a world problem and it concerns to each and all of us living on the planet Earth.


11 de mayo

Dear Celia,

One of the most important things for Youth Summit this time is visiting G8 Ministers of Environment Meeting and appeal to them with a message in Japanese. It will be around May 24th 19:00 in the early evening. The time is not certain yet.

There are only 30 students are allowed to get into and we need to share 30 with climate champions by British Council, fifty and fifty. So there we have 15 out of Youth Summit delegates.

Please choose one of your delegates, Fernanda or Greta to take to the Meeting room with us. The message speaker is a Japanese, but the delegate can meet your Minister, hand out a written message, and take a photo together if you want.

This chance is not for every country, because the numbers in the room is limited, and some countries do not have their Ministers at the Meeting. Therefore, we prefer not to open this information to everyone, but ask you to choose one of your youth delegates and tell me "who" by May 13th. We will hand the list of 15 names to our Ministry of Environment soon.

Thanks for taking your time. Yours, Yoko


Hi Yoko,

I have the name, Greta Acosta is going to be the one . who will go to the Meeting Room.

Thanks and Respectfully.


15 de abril - un pequeño tropiezo

Hasta aquí todo marchaba muy bien, sin embargo hubo un pequeño problema y para no hacer el cuento largo, lo resumo en los mails enviados.

Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:26:58 -0500

Dear members of the Eco Youth Summit Committee,

Yesterday I received this mail from Mr. Guillermo Lewis my City Coordinator, I tried to translated it .


Dear Nuria:

Bad news: Antonio declines to attend summit in Kobe.
I'll explain, lastweekend, in Mexico City, Antonio beat the national record of High Jump: 1.90 m.
Therefore: is the best hope of Tamaulipas to win gold in the National Competition , that will take place in our state: Tamaulipas in May 24th, 25th and 26th.
Carlos Hermosillo, head of sport in Mexico and our Governor had an emergency meeting to try to gain time for Toño, but there is no way to postpone his participation.
They have promised him to attend the games in Germany, in June and then a month of training in a camp in Poland for the month of July.
As you can see, in my opinion, was the best decision. In fact I congratulated him because, while he was still a child, faced a problem of adults with enormous solvency.
Now the problem is ours and I appeal to your good sense, since you were the one who gave us the invitation:
Can you discuss the matter with the authorities of the summit?, Would they accept a last-minute replacement?, would they accept that just Celia And Fernanda attend the summit?, or.?.
We hope your help in this difficult case. And will be paying special attention on wathever you say.


G. A. Lewis


Dear members of the Eco Youth Summit Committee,
And later the same day we had the answer to that mail from our Country Coordinator Núria de Alva, I also tried to translated for you.


Guillermo Hello,

How awful and how nice!, As you say it is a shame on one side and a joy in the other. I congratulate him and wish him the best in the competitions , is a national pride and those are the news should have more outreach.

As for the trip to Japan, I believe that the most desirable is that Celia will explain in detail (like this post) what has happened, if you have another candidate to make the trip, make the inquery o whether this is possible or not , I do not know if this is possible due to the advance the proceedings.

On the other hand, what I do not think is a problem the trip of Celia and Fernanda, since Celia has done absolutely everything that they have applied with great professionalism and what now is happening is an unexpected situation that only affects Toño. They, Celia and Fernanda remain the course of the proceedings and work.

As it is a scholarly work and an educational meeting, people tend to be very open and inclusive, I am sure they will respond to Celia in a kind and sympathetic way.

I send all of you a very strong hug and with the assurance that everything will be very well and we can do more in the IEARN work.

We remain in touch . And you know that if you need my help I will be glad to do it.



Dear members of the Eco Youth Summit Committee,

I have just sent you the two messages I received yesterday, explaining what is the reason Antonio decide no to

asist the summit. Unfortunately there are unexpected facts that we can not avoid.

Now we have to wait a response from you to know what we can do. In the event that it is possible to change the delegate ,

I would like to ask something, we have another candidate but is another girl she speaks good English and has been working in

collaborative projects on environment and ecology, because of the short time it would be impossible to prepare another boy.

Waiting to hear from you soon.

Sweet Regards.

Celia Arredondo.


Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 19:16:45 +0900

Dear Ms. Celia Arredondo,

The executive committee of the YOUTH SUMMIT for Environment decided to ask Mexico delegation to recommend another candidate whose age is under 15 years old.
So, as you wrote, if the one you recommend is under age 15, we accept her as one of Mexican delegates.

Please send us her registration form and personal information as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Also, may we extend to Antonio our congratulations on his record and wish him the best in the competition.


Secretariat YOUTH SUMMIT for Environment


Esta respuesta fue muy emocionante y nos llenó de júbilo a todos los involucrados en esta historia, así que encontraron a una alumna, Greta y el trabajo continuó con gran alegría.

15 de marzo - Ensayo de Antonio

In my opinion the principal cause of contamination in México is that the persons do not take conscience on what they do. I have been noticing that many people don’t think about the consequences of pollution on the earth, they only think on the money they can earn by making not-biodegradable or non-returnable products. A little while ago I saw a public campaign where they were saying that not-returnable soda cans were better that the reusable ones because you don’t have to carrying them to the store, but, where do disposable bottles go? If we continue in that way, we won’t have places where to put that trash.

What we have to do is to start awareness campaigns to talk to the people about damages that contamination causes; we have to start to use only biodegradable, recyclables-reusable products.

Another thing that causes contamination to the earth is the expedition of gases to the atmosphere, people must finance projects where the primary objective is the deployment of electric cars or the ones that consume toxic gas and produce water vapor for mass usage and not the invention of the luxury and more comfortable cars that consume gasoline or diesel and let out toxic gases and are made of non-reusable materials that are harmful to the Earth.

But cars are not the only ones that cause pollution, aerosols, which are used in deodorants, perfumes, paint and many more things; we keep using ones that are harmful to earth. There’s a lot of work to be done before we can eliminate those aerosols that cause harm to both earth and us.

Taking care of earth is not only a talk for adults, but it is for people of all ages; young people in a short amount of time are going to be a part of a more complex society. If we don’t take care of the earth then, who will?

I don’t know about you, but I love my planet and I have to take care of it, because this is the place where I’ am going to live all my life, people are questioning if there are life in other planets but before that we should think on how we can first, save our planet .

Few people who are polluting live in the areas where they contaminate, such contamination not only makes that particular place look ugly; it makes the whole planet look, smell, and feel bad Contamination and its implications and processes to minimize it will cause “ GLOBAL WARMING¨

Antonio Gonzalez

15 de marzo - Ensayo de Fernanda


One of the most beautiful memories of my childhood is when at Easter holidays I went with my family to the beach. It was very pleasant and we used to play at the beach: soccer, volleyball or just making sandcastles, and we played in the water and swim, but that was before, when the water was warm.

Now due to the climate changes that we caused, the abuse of the environment, the water temperature has changed a lot, and actually is very cold we have to wait, until may or June, to give enjoy a good swim!

Everything is different, every day more sand is dark and full of garbage, also if we are making sand castles or just playing with the sand we can’t dig a lot, because at ten centimetres deep, you found a black substance derived from the oil that leaks from ships. I wonder how many fish and birds have died because of this…. another thing that I have notice with sadness, is that both tourists and locals, throw garbage into the seawater, rather than throw the trash in the baskets or trash bags. They throw it in the sand or buried it and that’s why each time there is more pollution, I think that keeping our beach or place where we live clean is a task for all, children and adults, also a job of the cleaning staff.

In my city when a tree is on the way of an electricity cable, or a telephone line, they simply speak it. And that is not the case.

On the other hand, we complain that we do not have enough water in our house, that the beach is very dirty and sometimes we plant a few trees to provide shade for our homes or cars, and we do not make an effort to create a reforestation culture, for our own sake and that of the whole world, rather, we seek our own short term convenience and comfort.

Fernanda Cabello Jimenez

9 de marzo

Aquí vemos como se organizan los Japoneses, la verdad ha sido toda una lección ver la coordinación de este encuentro de cerca.

Dear members,

This is Kiyomi from the summit office.
Attached is the detail of the program.
Please read carefully, and if you have any
questions, please feel free to ask.


Kiyomi Lee Carter

Please understand that there may be some changes to the programs. This is still a “planned” version of the program detail.

Essay Writing

We are asking every representative to write an introductory essay about the environment. The essay must be written in Microsoft Word and should not exceed 2000 words. The deadline is March 15th. We are asking this because Japanese children go through a more complicated process, and they are chosen by essays. It is also to make it fair for Japanese children. Currently, we have 840 applications, and only 30 will participate in the summit.

Poster Session

During the summit, there will be a designated gallery for the audience to take a look at posters related to the environment. Please prepare a drawing or poster related to your presentation (1 drawing per country).


All communication will be made in English during the summit. However, there will be interpreters and language supporters to help if needed.

May 22nd

Main theme – What will our earth look like in 10 years? (Planned)

Opening ceremony

Main meeting (in the biggest hall of the building)

The delegates of the following countries will make introductory presentations on the environmental situation in their country.

(Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Mongolia, and Nepal)

1. Environmental situation/crisis in everyday life.

2. What kinds of activities or actions are being taken to prevent it from happening.


Group meeting 1 (small hall)

The delegates from every country will make a presentation in four different groups. The presentation will be about what they have been doing to protect the environment. Every country will be given approximately 8 minutes.

Group work 1

Children will be divided into groups, and start a discussion on environmental crisis. They will try to find solutions from their honest points of view, using questions such as:

“Why, or how did our earth become the way it is now?”

The purpose of this discussion is not only to share opinions, but also to find solutions, and explore possible resolutions.

May 23rd

Group work 2

The children will continue to work out resolutions.

Main meeting 2

There will be an award ceremony for climate champions chosen by the British Council.

Also, children will present the progress of their discussions.

May 24th

Closing ceremony.

The children will present their resolutions.

jueves, 19 de junio de 2008

21 de febrero

Dear Mailing List members,

Hello, this is Kiyomi Nagakawa from Youth Summit for Environment in KOBE steering committee. I am so excited and thrilled to meet you all in person at the summit. I would like to make some important announcements to you all. Please give me a moment to introduce myself first.

My primary job is to gather and organize all personal information and make arrangements for plane tickets and lodging. All your personal information is confidential, and we only share them between Yoko-san, our office, and the travel agency (JTB).

The first announcement I would like to make is about the registration forms. In order to guarantee your stay in Japan an enjoyable, unforgettable, and impeccable one, now we would like to move on to travelling and lodging arrangements.

At this moment, I have received registration forms from 15 countries, and they are

Indonesia (supervisor's information missing)
Nepal(supervisor's and some of children's information missing)
South Africa
United Kingdom,
United States

Here is the IMPORTANT part.
For those of you, who has not sent the registration forms yet, please send them to Yoko by the end of this month, February 28th. Please do not worry about passport numbers that are in the process of issuance. We are proceeding this qualification procedure under the same condition for both overseas and domestic children. We are running out of time, and if we do NOT receive any information before the 28th, I’m afraid that you will be disqualified from participating this summit.
So please keep the deadline!
Secondly, as Yoko had sent rough information about essay writing on the 16th, I would like to inform you more in detail. The essay writing part gives us a chance to know the children’s fluency of English, creativity, and passion/ interest in environmental issues. The Japanese children go through the same process as well. They turn in their essays to us, and we will pick 30 children with fluent English, creativity, and passion for environment. The deadline for Japanese children is February 29th. Since overseas children have different educational systems and backgrounds, we have set the deadline for your final draft to the 15th of March.


Please send us all essays without any corrections by the teachers. It is very important and is the only source for us to know their ability to communicate.

Rough draft – either an outline or in several sentences Due February 28th

Final draft- 1500-2000 words maximum double spaced, about 2 pages Deadline - March 14th ( deadline has changed from the end of March to 14th)

Please send all essays and outlines directly to me,

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Kiyomi Nagakawa
Kiyomi L Carter (Nagakawa)
G8 Youth Summit for Environment in KOBE

3 de febrero

Afortunadamente la respuesta de Tamaulipas fue inmediata, y enviaron el nombre de un profesor de una alumna y de un alumno.
Como una de las anécdotas que sucedieron, fue que una vez enviados los datos a la organización del evento, tuvo que haber un cambio en el profesor elegido y fue sustituído por la profesora Celia Arredondo, esto por supuesto, generó algo de confusión en los organizadores, sin embargo, fueron unas personas muy abiertas y flexibles y comprendieron perfectamente lo que estaba sucediendo.

Dear Yoko Takagi and Nuria de Alva:
I am really sorry for all the inconvenience.
The issue was that the mother of Fernanda will not agree to her daughter traveling only in the company of a male teacher in a trip of this length.
We spoke with Mr. Hernández, He understans the situation and accepts changing the persons.
This is the personal information of the school teacher:
Last name..................Arredondo
Midle name.................Soberon
First name..................Celia

The names of the participant students are the same you all ready have:
Girl:........................Cabello Jimenez, Fernanda.
Boy.........................Gonzalez Rodríguez, José Antonio.


G. Acosta Lewis

El siguiente correo, fueron las instrucciones para participar en el foro:

Dear Nuria,
Yoko forwarded your mail to me today.
I am Masahiro Okuuchi. And I am in charge of the "Eco Youth Forum."
The study has just started, and please join our forum.
Are you a teacher who is coming to Japan?
If you are not., please tell me the teacher's e-mail address, so I will tell
them how to join the forum.
Or you can tell them about it.

All the best,
Masahiro Okuuchi

This is about the forum.

The global warming is a problem that we take priority to solve.
‘YOUTH SUMMIT for Environment in KOBE’ will be held in May, 2008.
The duration is only a few days. So let’s talk together more before and after the summit on this forum. Some will not be able to join the real summit, but they can write their own ideas on this forum. It is said, “Two heads are better than one”. So I hope you will enjoy studying together.

Rule for this forum:
1) This forum is secured by user names and passwords.
But DO NOT POST your address, phone number or anything like that.
2) Please reply to the comments that you receive from others.

Link to the forum

Aim of the Study
1) To know about the facts of environmental disruption
2) To think about what to do for nature.
3) To implement action plans on now to live with nature.

Schedule of Study
1) Self Introduction, Comments on what I am interested in this study. Feb 1st - 10th
2) Reply to the self-introductions and comments. Feb 1st-15th
3) Report about your local environmental issues Feb 1st-15th
4) Reply to the environmental issues. Feb 1st-20th
5) Think about what we can do to solve the issues. Feb 20th-Mar 10th
6) Reply to the comments Feb 20th- Mar 15th
7) Talk about the theme of “Eco Youth Summit in KOBE” April 1st -
8) Talk about what to bring to the summit.
9) Learn about Tuvalu
10) Eco Youth Summit May
11) Report on what I did after the summit. June

6 de febrero

Después de haberlo pensado un rato y consultarlo con personas de mi confianza, tomé la decisión de enviar el siguiente correo:
Hola Gerardo y Romy

Desde hace algunos años soy la representante en México de iEARN, una asociación internacional que realiza proyectos colaborativos.
Aunque es complicado participar porque todo sucede en inglés, me acaba de llegar esta convocatoria que es una buena oportunidad para dos alumnos y un profesor, cuyo requisito sería que les interese el tema y que hablen bien (no es necesario dominio al 100%) el inglés.

Después de pensarlo un rato, he decidido que dado Tamaulipas es un estado que tiene programas interesantes, y buena coordinación, quisiera que me dijeran si pueden atender esta convocatoria, yo sólo sería el vínculo entre quienes ustedes elijan para este viaje y iEARN.

aquí les envío el correo que me llegó y espero que les interese, hay una poca de prisa, así que por favor sólo contéstenme si les interesa y nos ponemos de acuerdo.

Les mando un fuerte abrazo


Inicio de la historia

El día dos de febrero de 2008 recibí el siguiente correo:

Dear Friends
Please read attached files to host "Youth Summit for Global Environment and Future" in May, Japan. I am going to send mails to each iEARN contact person asking to choose Youth participants.

I welcome your suggestions and supportive hands to this Summit, and ask your help to any difficult problems if happens.

It is my first time to work with such many other organizations sharing the same goals. Sometimes it is exciting, but mostly experience heavy and slow steps to move forward, because of different working styles and the ways to make dicisions.

We, iEARN-Japan need your strong back-up, and appreciate the sense you are with us always.

With much love, Yoko Takaji